1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
and conventions of real media products?
In order to establish a plot we
discussed within our group ideas that we liked and the type of films which we
ourselves enjoyed watching, we all agreed that the most interesting plots
within a film were murder and suspense plot, so this is how we came to the
decision of a suspense film with a violent murder. We decided we would use a
non-linear set out for our film and use flashbacks; we did this to keep the
audience interested and to stop the film becoming boring. Our genre for this
film is crime/thriller, this was obvious in two scenes of the film; when the
main character is being stalked through the woods, this shows the thriller
genre, and then in the kitchen scene, when the main character is violently
murdered, the crime genre is clear. We used a variety of shots, camera angles
and shot movement throughout our film, for example we used shot reverse shot
during conversations to show the characters facial expressions, we also used
hand held shot movement in order to make the shot appear shaky, and represent
tension and fear. Also we used close ups and long shots; close ups to show the
intensity of characters facial expressions, and the long shots to show the
characters clothing and stance.

Another thing we did, was fast paced
editing, fast past editing when the main character is walking down a road to
her house, this is done to represent tension and urgency, and then for the rest
of the film we edited at a normal pace to portray normality. We used both,
music, sound effects and then just dialogue throughout our film. We used music
in the title sequence and then the walking through the wood scene, the music
suited the title sequences as it matched the sinister montage of images, and
the music matched the wood scene as it created intense suspense and fear; also
we used a thudding sound effect for the hammer hitting the girl in the last
scene to intensify the attack and make it more realistic. Also throughout the
film dialogue was used to give an audience an understanding of what was
happening and, then we used the sound (silence) to create tension. Another part
of our film is mise-en-scene, in our film the mother character was dressed up
tacky and “chavy” to further portray her character as a bad mother who cares
for nothing, then the murderer was dressed in dark clothes and a hood to
conceal their character and make them appear dark, sinister and mysterious, and
finally the main character/ murdered girl is dressed in normal clothing to
represent she is just a normal person. Finally there is the importance of typography,
this is the text used in our opening sequence/title sequence; we used sinister
font style and red text to imply it was linked to danger and blood.

2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Firstly in our films we had no male characters, only female,
this is unusual as normally all films involve male characters, and usually the
male character takes the lead for example in the film dark knight rises, the
main lead Batman is a male, and the second lead Joker who is played by Heath
Ledger is also a male, however within our film the lead was a female. This is going against the stereotype of men being the
dominating gender. Within our film the murderer is a female, when usually the stereotype is that
the male takes the lead and usually the man is the one committing violent
crimes and murders. In order to represent that the main character which was
female, we used intense music when they were on scene to create intensity and
represent that they are a important character and that they represent danger,
we used contrapuntal sound to set the mood of the scene, and represent a
sinister scary mood, and to represent that there was something scary and
sinister about to happen. Also the use of the editing technique jump cuts,
represents that the character following in the background is suspicious due to
them being hidden, and the jump cuts don’t follow real time and aren’t natural
like the suspicious character.
Also within our film
we portrayed a particular type/style of person a “chav” through the use of
mise-en-scene, we made them dress in the stereotype way of a chav, joggers,
hooded jacket, which is typical of a chav character as they are portrayed to
lack money so cant afford nice posh clothing, just cheap gym wear, and then their
hair and makeup, we gave the greasy untidy hair which represented that they
don’t care for their appearance or the lack the money to care for themselves
finally we made them wear a lot of dark makeup to further portray that they are
a chavy character.

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