
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Certificate of Film

Certificate of Film

A film with a certificate of a 15 usually includes any of the following:
-strong violence
-frequent strong language
-portrayals of sexual activity
-strong verbal references to sex
-sexual nudity
-brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
-discriminating language or behaviour
-drug taking

Violence at a 15 can be strong. It should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury, however, and the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong Sadistic violence is also unlikely to be acceptable.

Our film is a certificate 15 as it includes strong violence as they will be a scene of one character killing another. One of the suspects will also take drugs so again this will come under a certificate 15. People under the age of 15 should not watch the film as it will have disturbing scenes which may cause problems to the audience who will be watching. Our film may also include strong language however the main focus of the film is murder so the language may not be frequent. Our film does not include any sexual activity, violence of scenes of nudity.

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