Monday, 1 December 2014
Chavvy mother hair tutorial.
This is our chosen tutorial for the mother. We have chosen this as it is quite a casual hair style, however when we do it we will make sure the hair is greasy so therefore it will show that the mother doesn't properly care for herself and is irresponsible.
Audience Questionnarie
What is your name?
How old are you?
What is your occupation?
Now you have read the story line, do you understand the story?
What genre do you think that our story is?
What target audience do you think will watch this?
What film certificate do you think it should be?
What settings would match this story line?
What type of music do you think we should use?
Would you watch the film?
What types of other films do you watch?
Where do you normally watch films?
Who do you think kills the girl?
Who do you think kills the girl?
Chavvy makeup.
This is the tutorial we will use to create the mothers makeup to show that she is not a typical mother and rather chavvy.
Location Research- Woods
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This is the last part of the woods, which then leads to the street where the girl lives. |
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This is the door where the girl lives. |
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This is the beginning of the woods, where the girl will be followed. |
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This is the pathway which the girl and the murderer will be walking along. |
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Again this is a photo of the path way which they will walk up and where the girl is been followed. |
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This is a view of the woods, as you can see they is a number of trees where the murderer could be hiding. |
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This is the view of the street which is the last part which they will walk down before they get to the house |
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This some steps where they will have to walk up. |
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This is a look back behind where they will have been walking. As you can see it is near a road. |
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This is a view again of the path where they will be walking. |
We have chosen to use this location as when we do the filming it will be dark and therefore will add a spooky/scary feel to the film and add tension to what will happen. It also adds tension as they is nobody near by, which could help the girl so the audience are left wondering what will happen next.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Makeup option 2.
This is another option which we could use for our makeup. Again this would be on the forehead.
Makeup option 1.
This could be one of the options for our makeup using the scar idea. However we would add blood to this to make it appear a new wound and it would also be on the head.
Monday, 24 November 2014
Location Research
Location Setting- College
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This is another location which we could use in college, this location is more quiet and out of the way so we may not get people walking past on the film. |
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This is one of the locations from a birds eye view so that we have got all the background and what is around the location. |
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This is again another photo from a birds eye view |
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This is another location which is from a bird's eye view. This shows the whole of college. |
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This is another location which we could use in college as it is a setting which is related to students which will then fit into the clip with the two best friends arguing at college. |
Similar film- clip
This is a clip from the horror film Psycho this is similar to my film due to the location of the murder, which is a girl who Is murdered in a bathroom; in my film a girl is also murdered in a bathroom. The similarity between both films is the location of the murders
Similar films to my film idea- Images and descripton.
Similar films.
Psycho: This is slightly similar due to the setting of the murder. In psycho the girl is murdered by a man whilst she is showering in her bathroom. Also in my film idea the girl is also murdered by a man within the college bathroom and she is similarly left to die on the bathroom floor.
Psycho: This is slightly similar due to the setting of the murder. In psycho the girl is murdered by a man whilst she is showering in her bathroom. Also in my film idea the girl is also murdered by a man within the college bathroom and she is similarly left to die on the bathroom floor.
One of our chosen settings is the Millers Inn pub. This will be the setting to the argument between the mother and the daughter, where they will argue about the past and how the mother left her daughter as a small baby; the mother will be holding a cigarette as a prop and when the daughter angers her will storm off past the pub in a rage.
The pub was chosen as it is relevant of the mother to be at a pub; the mother is a no good mother and a alcoholic so the pub was chosen to emphasize the mother's character. For example if we would have chosen somewhere upper class like a university for this scene then it wouldn't have made sense and the character wouldn't have fit in.
One of our chosen settings is the Millers Inn pub. This will be the setting to the argument between the mother and the daughter, where they will argue about the past and how the mother left her daughter as a small baby; the mother will be holding a cigarette as a prop and when the daughter angers her will storm off past the pub in a rage.
The pub was chosen as it is relevant of the mother to be at a pub; the mother is a no good mother and a alcoholic so the pub was chosen to emphasize the mother's character. For example if we would have chosen somewhere upper class like a university for this scene then it wouldn't have made sense and the character wouldn't have fit in.
Tuesday, 18 November 2014
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Character profile.
Character profile- Best friend/ Beth.
Appearance: The bestfriend would be wearing casual clothes, for example jeans and a simple top or shirt. Simple down brown hair, and basic make-up. The bestfriend will also be wearing boots.
Personality: Shy timid girl, doesn't like having arguments or making a fuss over things. Usually kind and friendly and looks out for her friends, however when she has a huge argument with her best-friend she becomes angry and her personality takes a turn for the worst and she becomes violent and out for revenge.
Function in the narrative: The girl is best friends with the girl who she murders, they are close friends however they have an argument and the girl becomes angry and murders her. She then hides that she is the murderer in the hope she will get away with her crime.
Appearance: The bestfriend would be wearing casual clothes, for example jeans and a simple top or shirt. Simple down brown hair, and basic make-up. The bestfriend will also be wearing boots.
Personality: Shy timid girl, doesn't like having arguments or making a fuss over things. Usually kind and friendly and looks out for her friends, however when she has a huge argument with her best-friend she becomes angry and her personality takes a turn for the worst and she becomes violent and out for revenge.
Function in the narrative: The girl is best friends with the girl who she murders, they are close friends however they have an argument and the girl becomes angry and murders her. She then hides that she is the murderer in the hope she will get away with her crime.
Character Profile- Victim
Character profile
Sarah West
Description of Appearance
Brown long hair, blue eyes, average height, tanned Skin. In some scenes they will be a bloody gash on the top of the head from where the hammer hit. Basic makeup on at all other scenes. Character will wear basic casual clothes.
Character Personality
Quiet, Timid young girl. Cares about her friends and family, complete opposite to her birth mother, who abandoned her.
Function in Narrative
She is the one who gets murdered. She is been followed by one of the suspects and has arguments with both the suspects. She is the main character in the film as she is the victim of the murder and the audience are left wondering who actually kills the girl.
Title: Revenge
Duration: Full Film
Audience: Certificate 15
Distribution: Hammer
Summary of Story:
A girl is found murdered in a dark, gloomy room. There is 2 suspects, her best friend and her mother. Goes back to the murder happening however you cant see who does it as the person is dressed in black. Shows two suspects and how they could have done it and the reasons why they might have done it.After murder both suspects go missing, so it looks like either could have done it. The murderer was the best friend.
Suggested Elements: Using fake blood which we will make ourselves and fake drugs.
Title: Revenge
Duration: 2 minutes
Audience: Certificate 15
Distribution: Hammer
Summary of Story:
In a dark, gloomy room a girl is lying not moving with blood dripping from her head.(Camera flashes back to the murder). 2 suspects, 1 victim. Each have their own motive. The girls best friend, recently had a argument and they haven't spoken for 3 weeks. Suspect 2, her mother, never been apart of the girls life until the mother made contact however the girl didn't want a relationship with her mother, therefore the mother wants revenge for what she has been through when all she wanted to do was make contact with her daughter who she hasn't seen since she gave her up at 2 weeks old. Shows the murder, been hit over head with a hammer. Doesn't show the actual murderer just a person in black who commits the crime. The audience will never find out who kills the girl. Just know that the girl is dead. And the clip will then end and leave the audience wondering who killed the girl. (Flashback to the girl been dead on the floor)
Suggestion of Elements: Using fake blood which we will make ourselves and fake drugs.
Duration: Full Film
Audience: Certificate 15
Distribution: Hammer
Summary of Story:
A girl is found murdered in a dark, gloomy room. There is 2 suspects, her best friend and her mother. Goes back to the murder happening however you cant see who does it as the person is dressed in black. Shows two suspects and how they could have done it and the reasons why they might have done it.After murder both suspects go missing, so it looks like either could have done it. The murderer was the best friend.
Suggested Elements: Using fake blood which we will make ourselves and fake drugs.
Title: Revenge
Duration: 2 minutes
Audience: Certificate 15
Distribution: Hammer
Summary of Story:
In a dark, gloomy room a girl is lying not moving with blood dripping from her head.(Camera flashes back to the murder). 2 suspects, 1 victim. Each have their own motive. The girls best friend, recently had a argument and they haven't spoken for 3 weeks. Suspect 2, her mother, never been apart of the girls life until the mother made contact however the girl didn't want a relationship with her mother, therefore the mother wants revenge for what she has been through when all she wanted to do was make contact with her daughter who she hasn't seen since she gave her up at 2 weeks old. Shows the murder, been hit over head with a hammer. Doesn't show the actual murderer just a person in black who commits the crime. The audience will never find out who kills the girl. Just know that the girl is dead. And the clip will then end and leave the audience wondering who killed the girl. (Flashback to the girl been dead on the floor)
Suggestion of Elements: Using fake blood which we will make ourselves and fake drugs.
Monday, 10 November 2014
Audience Profile
Our film is going to be certificate 15. This is because the film is not going to be suitable for children. For the film to be certificate 15 it must include 'strong violence'. Since our film includes a murder and gory scenes anyone under the age restriction may find these scenes disturbing. 'Drug Taking' is also included in certificate 15. The mother in our clip will be taking drugs therefore needs to be certificate 15. No other aspects of the certificate 15 such as sexual references will be used.
Character Profile - Mother
Character Profile - Mother
Description of Appearance
The mother would be wearing joggers and hoodie and a pair of trainers. She will have heavy eye make up and badly applied, heavy face make up. The mothers hair will possibly be greasy and scraped back into a bobble at the back of her head. She will be wearing a few gold chains around her neck and gold rings on her fingers. She will also constantly be holding a cigarette.
Characters Personality
The mother is going to be an aggressive women that is very self centred. She is more concerned over drugs and alcohol than she is about her own family. She feels no guilt for abandoning her daughter at 2 weeks old.
Function in Narrative
The mother ttys to get into contact with her daughter after abandoning her at 2 weeks old. After being rejected of entering back into her daughter life she wants revenge.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Crime/ Thriller Genre- Settings
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A further setting of a crime scene is in a dark room where the murder cannot be seen and therefore adds tension to the film as the audience are unaware who actually kills the victim. |
Crime- Similar Films
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This is the weapon which Rob uses to kill Tina with. |
Film distributors.
Hammer films- Research into film distributors.
The company tackled other genres, including psychological thrillers, sci-fi, noir and historical epic. Hammer has a back catalogue of nearly 300 titles, and a rich character canon including classic monsters, mobsters, psychopaths, and surprisingly ‐ cavegirls.
Certificate of Film
Certificate of Film
A film with a certificate of a 15 usually includes any of the following:
-strong violence
-frequent strong language
-portrayals of sexual activity
-strong verbal references to sex
-sexual nudity
-brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
-discriminating language or behaviour
-drug taking
Violence at a 15 can be strong. It should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury, however, and the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong Sadistic violence is also unlikely to be acceptable.

-frequent strong language
-portrayals of sexual activity
-strong verbal references to sex
-sexual nudity
-brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
-discriminating language or behaviour
-drug taking
Violence at a 15 can be strong. It should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury, however, and the strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong Sadistic violence is also unlikely to be acceptable.
Our film is a certificate 15 as it includes strong violence as they will be a scene of one character killing another. One of the suspects will also take drugs so again this will come under a certificate 15. People under the age of 15 should not watch the film as it will have disturbing scenes which may cause problems to the audience who will be watching. Our film may also include strong language however the main focus of the film is murder so the language may not be frequent. Our film does not include any sexual activity, violence of scenes of nudity.
Shot terms.
180° line of Action- The 180° rule of shooting and editing keeps the camera on one side of the action. The camera stays on one side of the axis of action throughout a scene, keeping the characters grounded on a particular side of the screen or frame and keeps them looking at one another when only one character is on screen.
Shot-Reverse-Shot - Shot-Reverse-Shot is a film technique where one character is filmed looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking at the first character.
Match on Action (Match Cut)- Match on Action is an editing technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot. This creates the impression of a sense of continuity. The action carrying through creates a 'visual bridge' which draws the viewers attention away from the slight cutting or continuity issues.
Genre: Crime.
The college was darkly lit and Hayley and Eve were the only ones left in the building as they had stayed behind to catch up on work, Eve explained to Hayley she was going to the toilet and got her coat and walked off to the toilet; a fair while (15 minutes) had passed by and there was no sign of Eve so Hayley decided to go see what was keeping her.Obliviously she walked down the corridor to enter the toilet with a handful of books and folders, as she began to push the door open she hit something on the other side and was unable to open the door, as she pushed the door harder it finally opened and an arm fell round the door, and it then became obvious to Hayley that this was Eve laid on the floor dead.In shock she dropped all of her books and folders and turned and ran out of the room and began running down the corridor; as she continued to run the lights began to flicker and turn off; in the corridor Eves' coat was laid with blood covering it.
She ran towards a door and as she neared it a dark character grabbed hold of the door and pulled it tight, she then turned and ran towards a second door and pulled it shut trapping her inside the building. Shocked and terrified she ran into the library and tried hiding behind the shelves, it then became apparent to her that the dark character was also in the library with her and aiming to track her down; she continued to move in and out of the book shelves keeping her eye on the character at all times. Unfortunately Hayley then looses sight of the dark character in-between the book shelves so heads and runs for the nearest door but out of the dark the dark character steps out in front of Hayley and just stands in front of her, the film then cuts.
She ran towards a door and as she neared it a dark character grabbed hold of the door and pulled it tight, she then turned and ran towards a second door and pulled it shut trapping her inside the building. Shocked and terrified she ran into the library and tried hiding behind the shelves, it then became apparent to her that the dark character was also in the library with her and aiming to track her down; she continued to move in and out of the book shelves keeping her eye on the character at all times. Unfortunately Hayley then looses sight of the dark character in-between the book shelves so heads and runs for the nearest door but out of the dark the dark character steps out in front of Hayley and just stands in front of her, the film then cuts.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Crime/ Thriller Genre- Charatcers
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This is a photo of a women who has anger problems and therefore is capable of killing someone. |
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This is a photo from a crime scene of a women laid on the floor with blood dripping from her head showing she has obviously been hit with something on the head. (e.g. a hammer) |
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This shows that someone is been followed on the street which could lead to a murder. |
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This is a photo of a mother and daughter arguing which shows the mother could be a suspect if the girl was found murdered. |
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Again this shows two friends who are arguing which could lead to a crime happening. |
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This is often used in crime scene film to show that a crime has occurred. The hammer also shows that it could be part of the murder and a weapon which could be used. |
Crime Genre
Crime Genre

This shows a decetive that is commonly related to crime films.

This is a live picture of a hit and run.

This is a picture of a film that is slightly similar, involving a hit and run, to my storyline.
This shows a car that has been involved in a crash. One way how a murder would happen.
This shows a car that has been involved in a crash. One way how a murder would happen.
The gate creaks open as Detective Hall walks up the street lit path towards the front door of the house. She knocks wearily. A young women answers the door, surprised to see a police women. She tells the women her sister has been involved in a murder and she needs to go identify her. The young women falls to the floor, head in her hands and cries.
(Camera Cuts to the murder victim walking down a street) The girl is walking down the road on her phone, listening to music, not paying attention to what is going on. A car speeds over the hill in the background, the driver sees the young girl and presses his foot harder onto the pedal. As the car reaches nearer the girl, it swerves knocking down the girl on the pavement. The car speeds off into the distance leaving the girl dead on the side.
In a dark, gloomy room a girl is lying not moving with blood dripping from her head.(Camera flashes back to the murder). 2 suspects, 1 victim. Each have their own motive. The girls best friend, recently had a argument and they haven't spoken for 3 weeks. Suspect 2, her mother, never been apart of the girls life until the mother made contact however the girl didn't want a relationship with her mother, therefore the mother wants revenge for what she has been through when all she wanted to do was make contact with her daughter who she hasn't seen since she gave her up at 2 weeks old.
Shows the murder, been hit over head with a hammer. Doesn't show the actual murderer just a person in black who commits the crime. The audience will never find out who kills the girl. Just know that the girl is dead. And the clip will then end and leave the audience wondering who killed the girl.
(Flashback to the girl been dead on the floor)
(Flashback to the girl been dead on the floor)
Crime genre.
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This image is of a girl who has been murdered on a bathroom floor, this therefore fits in with my film as a young girl is murdered and left in the college toilets. |
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This image is of a dark male character,this fits in with my film as the murderer within the college is a dark hooded character who is hunting down the second girl. |
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
180 line of action, Match Cut, Shot reverse shot - Eve Dutton
180° line of Action
180° rule of shooting and editing keeps the camera on one side of
the action. The camera stays on one side of the axis of action
throughout a scene, keeping the characters grounded on a particular
side of the screen or frame and keeps them looking at one another
when only one character is on screen.
is a film technique where one character is filmed looking at another
character and then the other character is shown looking at the first
Match on Action (Match Cut)
on Action is an editing technique for continuity editing in which
one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject
in the first shot. This creates the impression of a sense of
continuity. The action carrying through creates a 'visual bridge'
which draws the viewers attention away from the slight cutting or
continuity issues.
Monday, 13 October 2014
180 degrees line of action, shot-reverse-shot, Match on Action- Hayley Hall
1) 180° line of action
180 degrees line of action is used in film making so that the
camera will stay on the same side throughout the film so the actors appear to
be on the same side of the screen throughout the film, this is so that people
watching don't get confused at which side the person is on and so it doesn't
look like the two people are just talking to the wall or look like they are
talking to nobody.
2) Shot- reverse- shot
is used in film making where one character is shown looking at another
character, and then the other character is shown looking back at the first
character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the
viewer assumes that they are looking at each other. This shows that you can see
clearly who is talking and the camera is facing straight at them and then when
the other characters talks the camera
will turn to them.
3) Match on Action (match cut)
A match on action,
is used in film making to a between either two different objects, two different
spaces, or two different compositions in which objects in the two shots
graphically match, often helping to establish a strong continuity of action and
linking the two shots metaphorically. This could be used by using a close up
scene then going to a far away scene or the camera moving upwards which will
then move onto a different scene.
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