
Monday 1 December 2014

Chavvy mother hair tutorial.

This is our chosen tutorial for the mother. We have chosen this as it is quite a casual hair style, however when we do it we will make sure the hair is greasy so therefore it will show that the mother doesn't properly care for herself and is irresponsible.

Audience Questionnarie


What is your name?

How old are you? 

What is your occupation?

Now you have read the story line, do you understand the story?

What genre do you think that our story is?

What target audience do you think will watch this?

What film certificate do you think it should be?

What settings would match this story line?

What type of music do you think we should use?

Would you watch the film?

What types of other films do you watch? 

Where do you normally watch films?

Who do you think kills the girl?

Chavvy makeup.

This is the tutorial we will use to create the mothers makeup to show that she is not a typical mother and rather chavvy.

Location Research- Woods

This is the last part of the woods, which then
 leads to the street where the girl lives.
This is the door where the girl lives. 
Location Research- Woods
This is the beginning of the woods, where the
girl will be followed.
This is the pathway which the girl and the murderer will
be walking along.
Again this is a photo of the path way
which they will walk up and
where the girl is been followed. 
This is a view of the woods, as you can see
they is a number of trees where the
murderer could be hiding.
This is the view of the street which is
the last part which they will walk down
before they get to the house
This some steps where they will have to walk up.
This is a look back behind where they will
have been walking. As you can see it is near a road.

This is a view again of the path
 where they will be walking.

We have chosen to use this location as when we do the filming it will be dark and therefore will add a spooky/scary feel to the film and add tension to what will happen. It also adds tension as they is nobody near by, which could help the girl so the audience are left wondering what will happen next.