
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Crime/ Thriller Genre- Charatcers

This is a photo of a women who has anger
problems and therefore is capable of killing someone.
This is a photo from a crime scene of a women laid
on the floor with blood dripping from her head
 showing she has obviously been hit with something on the head.
(e.g. a hammer)
Thriller/ Crime Genre
This shows that someone is been followed on the
 street which could lead to a murder.
This is a photo of a mother and daughter arguing which
 shows the mother could be a suspect if the girl was found murdered.
Again this shows two friends who are arguing
 which could lead to a crime happening.

This is often used in crime scene film to
 show that a crime has occurred.
The hammer also shows that it could be part of the murder
 and a weapon which could be used.

Crime Genre

Crime Genre

This is commonly used in crime scenes in films in to a crime has occured.

This shows a decetive that is commonly related to crime films.

This is a live picture of a hit and run.

This is a picture of a film that is slightly similar, involving a hit and run,  to my storyline.

This shows a car that has been involved in a crash. One way how a murder would happen.




The gate creaks open as Detective Hall walks up the street lit path towards the front door of the house.  She knocks wearily. A young women answers the door, surprised to see a police women. She tells the women her sister has been involved in a murder and she needs to go identify her. The young women falls to the floor, head in her hands and cries.

(Camera Cuts to the murder victim walking down a street) The girl is walking down the road on her phone, listening to music, not paying attention to what is going on. A car speeds over the hill in the background, the driver sees the young girl and presses his foot harder onto the pedal. As the car reaches nearer the girl, it swerves knocking down the girl on the pavement. The car speeds off into the distance leaving the girl dead on the side.                                                    




In a dark, gloomy room a girl is lying not moving with blood dripping from her head.(Camera flashes back to the murder). 2 suspects, 1 victim. Each have their own motive. The girls best friend, recently had a argument and they haven't spoken for 3 weeks. Suspect 2, her mother, never been apart of the girls life until the mother made contact however the girl didn't want a relationship with her mother, therefore the mother wants revenge for what she has been through when all she wanted to do was make contact with her daughter who she hasn't seen since she gave her up at 2 weeks old.  

Shows the murder, been hit over head with a hammer. Doesn't show the actual murderer just a person in black who commits the crime. The audience will never find out who kills the girl. Just know that the girl is dead. And the clip will then end and leave the audience wondering who killed the girl.
(Flashback to the girl been dead on the floor)

Crime genre.

This image is of a girl who has been murdered on a bathroom floor, this therefore fits in with my film as a young girl is murdered and left in the college toilets.
This image is of a dark male character,this fits in with my film as the murderer within the college is a dark hooded character who is hunting down the second girl.
This image also connects with my film as in my film a girl is hiding inside the college library behind the book shelves after finding her friend dead in the bathroom and realising she is trapped in the college with a murderer.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

180 line of action, Match Cut, Shot reverse shot - Eve Dutton

1. 180° line of Action

    The 180° rule of shooting and editing keeps the camera on one side of the action. The camera stays on one side of the axis of action throughout a scene, keeping the characters grounded on a particular side of the screen or frame and keeps them looking at one another when only one character is on screen.

2. Shot-Reverse-Shot

    Shot-Reverse-Shot is a film technique where one character is filmed looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking at the first character.

3. Match on Action (Match Cut)

    Match on Action is an editing technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot. This creates the impression of a sense of continuity. The action carrying through creates a 'visual bridge' which draws the viewers attention away from the slight cutting or continuity issues.

Monday 13 October 2014

180 degrees line of action, shot-reverse-shot, Match on Action- Hayley Hall

1) 180° line of action                   
180 degrees line of action is used in film making so that the camera will stay on the same side throughout the film so the actors appear to be on the same side of the screen throughout the film, this is so that people watching don't get confused at which side the person is on and so it doesn't look like the two people are just talking to the wall or look like they are talking to nobody.
2) Shot- reverse- shot
Shot-reverse-shot is used in film making where one character is shown looking at another character, and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other. This shows that you can see clearly who is talking and the camera is facing straight at them and then when the other  characters talks the camera will turn to them.
3) Match on Action (match cut)
A match on action, is used in film making to a between either two different objects, two different spaces, or two different compositions in which objects in the two shots graphically match, often helping to establish a strong continuity of action and linking the two shots metaphorically. This could be used by using a close up scene then going to a far away scene or the camera moving upwards which will then move onto a different scene.


Group Photo